King (partial)

Raven has a day off and decides he’s going to hang out at the mall for the day. He’s alone in his adventures today, as he is many times. He stands about 5’10” about 180lbs with black hair in a loose ponytail and icy blue for his eyes. As he enters the mall’s food court, his attention is immediately brought to a table where a man is yelling at the server about how his food is wrong.

“You got order fucking wrong! Do you have any idea of who I am?! You useless good for nothing unskilled swine!” the guy yells.

He swings his arm at her, while his arm is in mid swing, a rocky surface forms over his skin, hitting her in the stomach with such force that her feet leave the ground. She flies several feet, hits the ground and slides underneath a table.

The guy gets up from his chair and very plainly, and angrily states “You’ll have my food right by the time I get back from the restroom, or there’ll be more pain.”

Several people look concerned and worried about the man, he’s known to everyone in the town. He’s taken the name “King”, and everyone treats him as such. His powers let him pretty much out class anyone that tries to challenge him. Even the police are unable to control King’s actions or arrest him due to the powers he has. King is 5’8” pushing 250 pounds of muscle, brown hair and hazel eyes. His powers are split between a physical enhancement abilities and stone abilities. The trademark skill people see from him is a physical enhancement paired with a stone armor plating over his skin.

Felicia, the server that just took a stone arm to the stomach is known in town to not have any powers. She stands 5’6” weighing about 130lbs with blonde hair and green eyes. She can “sense” or “see” the flow of mana around people and in the abilities that people use, although she can’t see the flow of mana around herself.

Raven approaches the server that just got flung under a table and kneels, holding out a hand and asks, “Would you like help up miss?”

She has tears in her eyes from the pain of being flung several feet. She has fear in her eyes and shakes her head, refusing the help.

“By any chance, are you able to see the flow of mana in and around things, and in the abilities that people use?” Raven asks as he places his arm on his knee.

She’s confused by this, its an oddly specific question,

“Why didn’t you use your powers?” Raven asks, mildly confused.

“Because I don’t have any powers,” Felicia states blandly.

“But you do.” Raven asks more of a statement than a question. “Let me ask you this, are you able to see the mana flow of the people around you, how it flows when some one uses an ability?”

“Everyone can see that, that isn’t any indication of me having a power!” she retorts.

Raven corrects her and explains, “Actually, no one can see the flow of mana. Unless you’re a Creationist. There’s technically a seventh class of mage, and it’s extremely rare. Even more so than Harbingers or Heralds. There are about 10,000 Harbingers, and 400,00 or so Heralds in the world. But Creationists, there is only about 6 of them alive right now. Most Creationists go unnoticed and are treated as powerless humans because their training that vastly different of a process.”

“You’re saying that I have powers, that I’m not an unskilled?” Felicia asks with confusion.

“Correct and I happen to know how to train a Creationist, and teach them how to master their skills, if you’re interested in such things.” Raven offers a business card to an elite skill training facility in the next town over.

She takes the card, looking it over. “I can’t afford this place, its way out of any price range I could ever afford.”

“Once they see what you can do, that I believe you can do, your payment to them, will be attending there. The ability you’ll give them to say they helped train a Creationist isn’t something a skills facility can even brag about right now. And if they insist on charging you, I’ll pay it, because I feel you should have the training. So, if you want it, show up next Monday.” Raven holds out his hand again and offers once more, “How about I help you off the floor?”

She reaches for his hand, and he pulls her out from under the table, and on to her feet.

She squeaks and trips backwards as Raven let her hand go. Walking up behind Raven is King, with multiple skills powered up and ready to go. King swings at the back of Raven’s head with a stone armored physically enhanced fist.

The moment Felicia squeaked, Raven prepared a very thin layer of ice armor across his entire body, ice that hits temperatures of around -279.67F (-173.15c). This ice armor is exceptionally hard to crack or break due to how cold it is, although the layer of ice itself is extremely fragile, it’s the cooling effect it has on incoming things that causes it to be so hard to breech. Most things that fly into the ice’s very near vicinity freezes so fast it starts to crack and shatter before it can even reach the ice.