The Sunrise

Its a dark starry night, the moon has already set hours ago, most everybody is sleeping in this little village we're in tonight.

A silver-haired woman is taking her daily walk, she takes it just before the sun rises, its the coolest then, and she enjoys the temperature.

She walks down the main road of town, heading out of town, to where traders would set up, if it were that time of year for traders to be near.

She walks to this point before sun rise, and on her way back, the sun rises, as if to give her chase. She's shorter than your average person, thinner too.

Her long silver-hair held together with a single hair bow at the nape of her neck, flowing down to her lower back. She's young, mid twenties if one had to guess.

As she approaches the trading area, she sees a man who appears to be growing and shrinking. As she gets closer, she realizes, that he isn't growing and shrinking, but that he's floating, as if he has a pair of flapping wings that keep him floating above the ground. She walks up behind this floating being, not unsettled by the fact that he is about two feet off the ground.

"What brings you out here on this night?" she asks the man.

He looks over his shoulder, almost laying down, to look at her, and then looks back at the horizon again.

"I came to watch the sunrise," he says, as the first beams of light cut across the dark sky, bringing warmth with it.

They stand there together, watching the sun rise over the horizon, as the beams start to touch the ground, and run across her face, she looks at him, to see that the light makes him vanish. "The sun and I don't exactly get along." he says.

He starts to dissipate of his own accord, and with an echoing voice surrounding her, "It was nice seeing you again, Luna."

She bares a smile, and begins her walk back to town, back to her home.