
I like to play games. Its my escape from the real world.It allows me to explore another world, be something I can't be in this one.

I can be

  • a wizard that saves the world from the forces of Hell while the Angels of Heaven do nothing
  • I can be an undefeated Orc wandering around the world being a helpful guy.
  • A thug gangster in a city where the police shoot first, and arrest later.
  • a person with a romance story death adventure of revenge.

My "go-to" game is currently the console version of Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. As of the writing of this, my current adventure is in ArcaniA: The Complete Tale for PS4.

I have to be in a mood for puzzle games, such as Peggle, or Bejeweled. But I do enjoy them.

First person shooter games, are OKAY, if I dont have to play against other humans. Against the AI is fine, but I hate playing against other humans. PayDay 2, a team of 4 against AI is fun, I enjoy it, I'd probably enjoy it more witha native controller as the control method. I'll do story mode, I'll do a co-op mode. But I hate a versus mode. Despite the fact I hate versus mode, I'll play it if I have the right people to party with.But you wont find me playing that mode alone normally. For the Destiny players, yes, its a decent game, but I dont like how they set it up. Its too shallow of a story, too short, and just overall, not my cup of tea.

I love racing games, role play games, and adventure games.