
RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker VX: Ace is a role play game maker. (If it wasn't obvious, that is.) They have a few different versions out, I grabbed what looked like the latest version.

I was tinkering with it about a month ago, and decided to buy it, and a few "resource" packs they have for it. This previous weekend though, they had a 40% discount going on, and I decided to buy everything... The sound packs (which I had been holding off on), the room/decoration packs (holding off as well), and all the other things they had.

YuGiOh! vs Magic: The Gathering

Well... I thought about this for a bit. About 30 seconds to be honest.

So lets get on with it!

YuGiOh! is like the gate way drug to TCG games. It allows you to get an idea of how to play such games, and what it takes to do it. (Or it used to be.) It gets your mind going on how to play these games, and what to expect from others that play. Some people want more, some are good where they are at. It lasts about 4 turns, at most for the majority of new players versus experienced players. And about 2 turns longer for experienced players vs experienced players.

Card Name Listing Script

A simple, and exploitable script I made for self usage.

Site Upgrades

The themes, the core, and the being of Drupal got updated yesterday, and most of the content I had, got deleted. Though I probably just made it unpublished instead. Oh well.

The main theme that users see, has changed.
Also, the SMTP module that I had, has been removed until further notice. It wanted to bitch about its PHPMailer not being right, or installed properly, or it was missing or something. And considering its not truly needed, I just removed it.

Welcome! Again...

A what looks like fresh start, but its not!

So I haven't been posting much... Sorry for that.

I still have my white badge job. I don't have much time for much else, and I get three days off, which I spend playing Pardus, and AstroEmpires. Pardus is truly a much better game than AE, unless you want a straight Player VS Player game, with little to no PvE play.

Each game, I suppose has its good and bad. But I prefer Pardus' balance of play better.


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