YuGiOh! vs Magic: The Gathering

Well... I thought about this for a bit. About 30 seconds to be honest.

So lets get on with it!

YuGiOh! is like the gate way drug to TCG games. It allows you to get an idea of how to play such games, and what it takes to do it. (Or it used to be.) It gets your mind going on how to play these games, and what to expect from others that play. Some people want more, some are good where they are at. It lasts about 4 turns, at most for the majority of new players versus experienced players. And about 2 turns longer for experienced players vs experienced players.

Magic: The Gathering is like a more powerful version. Now you have tactics like YuGiOh!, but you also have more inset limitations on those tactics, and how fast they can move. The games last more than 4 turns, and depending on the deck match up, it can go back and forth being a teeter-tooter game.

So in essence, YuGiOh is weed, and Magic: The Gathering is cocaine.

There, I said it!
