New Staff & Staff Changes


There are a few staff changes to announce. Firstly,
I am stepping back from my duties as Head Wizard. I have come to fully realize,
and must admit, that I have not fully done everything I could to help this game. In truth, I wanted this game to be the best it could be, and I have come to realize I have not done right by this goal. As such, I am stepping back from the Head Wizard position and fully moving into the role of Head Builder & Coder.

From this moment on, Alias will be taking over the role of Head Wizard. It is my hope that with him taking the reigns that we can all come to experience what we all want from this game: Roleplay and Fun. I hope that we can all move forward and grow the game into what not only it can be but what it should be. Working together, I hope that we can all experience these things and that we can truly have fun. In truth, and I know I’m not the only one feeling this way, the game hasn’t been fun for a long time now. Let’s work together to change that.

Finally, I would like to welcome a new staff member: Leia. Leia will be working with both staff and players to design and play out new tinyplots. As such, she will quickly become one of our most seen staff members, as she works to help players have fun and roleplay more and more. Please join me in welcoming her to the team and helping her work together with all of us.

Thank you all,
