Pardus Utility: Economy Dependency Calculator

I know almost no one that reads this, plays Pardus. But I'll put it out there anyways.

I am hoping that by this Tuesday, I can get started on this project. It will take a building (Or a group of buildings) and chart out the dependencies of the chain, even mapping out the dependencies of the dependents.

I am hoping with people who play the game, and their feed back, I should get this up and going (at least project outline) going this Tuesday. It may prove entirely useful to some people, while others it may be completely useless.

I plan to do this in Javascript, and PHP. I may do a download version exec as Ruby, so that I can get experience in that, but I'd like to get the web interface version done first, so that people can help build it into the most useful thing that it can be, before building into the ruby exec version.