building info

production := round (basevalue * (1 + 0.5*(level-1)))
upkeep := round (basevalue * (1 + 0.4*(level-1)))

Constants and Variables:

basevalue: [REF:Buildings]
level: Production level of building


Space Farm with production level 7:

production() := round (8 * (1 + 0.5*(7-1)) = 32
production() := round (2 * (1 + 0.5*(7-1)) = 8
production() := round (1 * (1 + 0.5*(7-1)) = 4
upkeep() := round (4 * (1 + 0.4*(7-1)) = 14
upkeep() := round (5 * (1 + 0.4*(7-1)) = 17

Warning: When baselevels are low (especially: 1), changes may only take effect after two upgrades due to rounding!

Edit ::

// floor ( (Level+1)^2.75 - (((Level+2.63)^1.72) * 1.2)
// floor ( (Level+1)^2.75 - (((Level+3)^1.72))

metal then others.